Meeting God

Marilena Alexandra Socol
2 min readOct 30, 2022

How would it be if The Almighty you’d see?
Would you stop and dare,
Question HIS care?

Would you question His deeds,
Blaming HIM for not meeting all your needs?

Would you thank HIM for all you have?

Would you ask HIM to stop the pain,
To get the rainbow over the rain?

What if one day, GOD himself crosses your way?
Would you shake HIS hand for being brave,
To die in pain and sorrow,
Giving your souls a new chance for tomorrow?

A chance you waste without remorses,
A way to get HIS kingdom, a way to Heavens.

Would you brave HIM for handling a crowd of nerds,
Would you thank HIM for not ending the lands?

Would you ask HIM in despair one more day to live and try to strive,
only to fix all your mistakes?

Would you ask HIM why HE always takes,
The ones we love and never awake?
Isn’t He making mistakes,
Since little souls to death HE fates?



Marilena Alexandra Socol

thoughts writer, storyteller, mother, wife, and woman. For more, "READ ME"!